Send Text Alerts & Emergency Text Notifications

Did you know that 90% of all text messages are read within a mere three minutes of delivery? SMS Marketing Services’s powerful software helps you tap into this power to alert people during a critical event.
On top of that, SMS Marketing Services goes beyond simple mass texting by giving you the advanced tools you need like targeting and automations, so you can reliably follow up with the people you alert and make sure everyone is safe, in real time.

Use Cases

Send alerts and know that those in danger see them.

  • With texting’s 98% read rate, nothing beats it for disaster alerts.
  • Ensure 100% reach by sending the message via text, email, voice broadcast, and even a social media post.
  • With SMS Marketing Services’s Smart Targeting, send alerts to the right person at the right time, so you only notify those affected without needlessly worrying those who are safe.

Text messaging offers the safest and most reliable way to send alerts.

  • In critical situations, you won’t always have immediate access to your computer. With SMS Marketing Services, you can send a text alert from your mobile phone to everyone on your distribution list.
  • If someone is hiding from danger, texting offers a discreet way to contact you as opposed to a noisy phone call.
  • In a case of emergency, people may not know what number to text, but with Landline Texting, you can text-enable your main number so they can call or text the same number.

With SMS Marketing Services, you can ask everyone in danger whether they are safe or not at the same time, and then get real time responses.

  • Our unique Yes/No feature lets you get a quick headcount of who needs help.
  • Get more responses – people respond to text messages at a rate 750% higher and 60x quicker than email.
  • Simultaneously help those in danger with automated protocols to minimize your manual tasks when your attention needs to be devoted elsewhere.

Lifecycle Engagement

More Advantages


Send messages via SMS, MMS, email, social media, and voice, all from our integrated platform.


Maintain control and consistency across your multiple employees, departments, or locations.


Have the software you already use send text messages or synchronize contacts without having to program it all yourself.


We offer unmatched 365-day support, along with consulting to help you grow from your initial use case to a comprehensive automated strategy.