Contact Removal and Cleanup

Unsubscribe Contacts

Remove contacts from your distribution lists:

  • Automated Opt-Out Logic

    Automatically remove contacts when they text “STOP”, click an unsubscribe link at the bottom of an email, or call to request an unsubscribe from receiving further messages.

  • Import File

    Import a CSV file with the cell numbers need to be remove and the SMS Marketing Services application will  systematically remove them from the data files. database. This feature  cost minimum text credits.

  • Manual Removal

    We also provide the option to manually remove contacts.

Database Cleanup

Our platform comes with easy-to-use tools to help keep your database clean. These features cost fractional messaging credits.

  • International Cleanup

    Scan your database to remove international numbers.

  • Failed Contact Cleanup

    You can choose to have contacts removed when message delivery fails to that number. You can even set the number of delivery attempts before you remove that contact.

  • Number Cleanup

    Remove phone numbers (such as wired lines or VOIP numbers) from your database that cannot receive text messages.